I know this is probably reeeeeeally low priority and mind of a vanity request, but I wish there was a way to see who's handled your issue so you could say thank you to them personally.
Regardless, person who handled this issue: thanks! I was terrified!
-- Message #7 from (system) ---------------------------------------------------
In regards to issue #701: I've moved your ship back to omni station - enjoy!
I understand the sentiment, but admin anonymity is important here, to avoid any sense of bias or unfair judgement in handling issues.
Wouldn't it be the other way around...?
Nope! Say for some reason you decide Tecton has it out for you. Tecton closes your issue and it's not to your satisfaction. Now, you're pissed! There's Tecton, being a turd to you again! So you reissue, claiming that Tecton unfairly dismissed your case, and ask for Eukelade to handle it instead. Tecton handled it perfectly, but you simply can't believe him capable of doing anything but messing with you. This is what's called admin shopping in most online games. It's surprisingly common.
I think cosmpiercers require more engagement, make it a bit fun by instead doing something like this:
As an example, let's say Celestine holds a cosmpiercer right, and Song decides they want to take the cosmpiercer. So Song disembarks. Now, Celestine's faction aether or guards/whatever should give out a few soft spams along the lines of "WARNING! WARNING! SONG(or AN OPPOSING FACTION) IS LIBERATING A COSMPIERCER AT CS-5234." That alarm goes off only when in this example, Song begins to liberate the cosmpiercer of Celestine's grip.
By doing that, it should clear any remaining guards once it's in the released but neutral phase AND it should last for 5-10 minutes. That way, Celestine can have time to decide if they want to defend it or not and make it out there since travel in space isn't exactly instant or that quick. So, let's say Celestine chooses to go and defend their cosmpiercer and they get out there to battle it out with Song. If Celestine manages to beat back or usurp Song's liberation by regaining control via the same syntax or a new syntax, the influence will gradually go in reverse from Song's influence, back to neutral, and finally back in their grip. Mind you, there are 5-10 minutes still ticking so Song has a chance to recoup and return if there's time within that time frame to try again. So this time, Song and Celestine are in a bit of a struggle over time. Song manages to turn the table again, but there are about 3 minutes left when they usurp Celestine again and pushing the influence back in their direction slowly still.
If by chance time is up, it can be liberated back into Ishvana's clutches, or if the admin wants, they can probably make it so that, whichever it is leaning more towards to, that faction will get the benefit of the liberation. I do think it should merit a CD-something like 1 IG day or 1 IG month? @Tecton (Reposted here too in case)
Can we have rooms that a BEAST has used Opening in tagged as outdoors? Since it opens up the ceiling and lets them use abilities they normally need to be outdoors for, I think it should let the rest of us use ours as well. for example, airstrike.
If you have killed at least 10% of the enemies in an incursion, and that incursion is completely beaten (0% enemies remaining), you should get 2000 regular exp.
Mereas Eyrlock "They're excited, but poor." - Ilyos (August 2019)
I hate this idea with a burning passion but since people refuse to stop mucking it up over SH faction tells and are costing us people with their hours-long arguments or whatever the heck that thing today was:
Some kinda emergency quick-call that'll revoke someone's ability to send things over FT for like an hour or two and stay running for like, ten to twenty minutes. I think this is super open to abuse and really really hate the idea, but when besmirchings, oustings, and having your face forcibly removed by MULTIPLE faction members won't get someone to quit, we need something faster than the 24 hours it takes to kick 'em out. Maybe mitigate the abuse by muting the person who made the call too, I 'unno. I know FTOFF and IGNORE are a thing but some of us prefer not to use them because we like the light ribbing or actually useful information that gets sent over FT.
On that note: Let us change our votes on a call the way we can with a referendum. Occasionally more information comes out that makes me want to change my vote, or the person proves that they actually do deserve to be ousted and some of us have already voted to oppose to give them another chance that we regret giving them.
Feraluna has called for the honoring of Razzy for the following reason: somehow setting Reynolds on fire, killing someone, and then calling for her own besmirching.
I think it would be nice to have holsters and kithblade sheaths that are functional. I know holsters at least exist, but aren't functional at all. This is strange, not in the least because ambush literally describes you quickdrawing on your enemy from your (potentially non-existent) belt. Maybe make it work better or just work only with a holstered piece, and don't make holstering take balance.
As for kithblade sheaths, that makes sense to me thematically (Why would you want to carry around a large sword all the time), and opens up a potential ability: battleflow IAI, which could do any number of things. My thought was "only usable when not fighting, like ambush, and lets you flow into any number of stances. This would allow better battleflow control at the outset of battle, without being terribly over powered because you haven't built up any rage yet"
I'm not a fury, so that might be stupid, but I thought I'd toss it out there.
In addition to market ads and letters (for when you need paragraphs), a holovid skill could be interesting.
> Buy holovid recording equipment > HOLOVID NEW <name> > HOLOVID RECORD <1-10> 'slots' of text, so you could make a mini movie, or record a speech. > HOLOVID SAVE > HOLOVID PUBLISH <name>
Once published, holovids could be purchased by others, or shared like datashards, and replayed at their leisure. Maybe have the cost determined by how many entries in Record?
If we get a market channel can we put a spam buffer on it? Maybe like one message per RL hour or something? Having 'nam flashbacks of Penwize selling 8 market lines worth of shit every 20 minutes on Achaea.
If we get a market channel can we put a spam buffer on it? Maybe like one message per RL hour or something? Having 'nam flashbacks of Penwize selling 8 market lines worth of shit every 20 minutes on Achaea.
But I miss Skye's creative advertisements for Dinghy Din Dins.
If we don't clear advertising out of the news/faction channels, then we definitely need a filter. I want to be able to control how many unwanted ads come into my inbox. This is a game, not real life. I want to enjoy it.
I IDEA'd it too, but please can we have pagelength/MORE on TT BROWSE so that those of us who've put marks into boosting our shop aren't cut off by the top of the screen?
Can clothing slots be made a bit more sensible? As in allowing me to wear a skirt/shorts with fishnets. I didn't think they'd conflict but apparently they do. I'm IRL wearing a skirt with leggings as I type this so it's a bit confusing.
Some way to mark junk as not junk would be grand. Dang pawnshops and HETE are always stealing my pants...
Feraluna has called for the honoring of Razzy for the following reason: somehow setting Reynolds on fire, killing someone, and then calling for her own besmirching.
I think it would be nice to have holsters and kithblade sheaths that are functional. I know holsters at least exist, but aren't functional at all. This is strange, not in the least because ambush literally describes you quickdrawing on your enemy from your (potentially non-existent) belt. Maybe make it work better or just work only with a holstered piece, and don't make holstering take balance.
As for kithblade sheaths, that makes sense to me thematically (Why would you want to carry around a large sword all the time), and opens up a potential ability: battleflow IAI, which could do any number of things. My thought was "only usable when not fighting, like ambush, and lets you flow into any number of stances. This would allow better battleflow control at the outset of battle, without being terribly over powered because you haven't built up any rage yet"
I'm not a fury, so that might be stupid, but I thought I'd toss it out there.
I can't speak for furys but I can PUT PIECE IN HOLSTER and it holds my piece.
I think it would be nice to have holsters and kithblade sheaths that are functional. I know holsters at least exist, but aren't functional at all. This is strange, not in the least because ambush literally describes you quickdrawing on your enemy from your (potentially non-existent) belt. Maybe make it work better or just work only with a holstered piece, and don't make holstering take balance.
As for kithblade sheaths, that makes sense to me thematically (Why would you want to carry around a large sword all the time), and opens up a potential ability: battleflow IAI, which could do any number of things. My thought was "only usable when not fighting, like ambush, and lets you flow into any number of stances. This would allow better battleflow control at the outset of battle, without being terribly over powered because you haven't built up any rage yet"
I'm not a fury, so that might be stupid, but I thought I'd toss it out there.
I can't speak for furys but I can PUT PIECE IN HOLSTER and it holds my piece.
Yes, but you can't quickdraw from your holster, and it's more of a flavor thing anyway. I'll probably figure out how to make an alias that unequips and holsters, and a second that pops it out and equips it.
Now I just have to figure out something to hold a toolkit so I don't have to carry that around constantly.
Continuing on my weapon-container kick, It'd be nice to have design possibilities in fashion for holsters, toolkit straps, sheathes, and so forth. It's nice to get fancy with your holsters sometimes, and where would any self-respecting outlaw be without having a big gaudy skull and crossbones tooled onto her holster?
Can we have rooms that a BEAST has used Opening in tagged as outdoors? Since it opens up the ceiling and lets them use abilities they normally need to be outdoors for, I think it should let the rest of us use ours as well. for example, airstrike.
It's not necessarily open to the outdoors, just high enough to fly. I'm not sure if this should be maintained mechanically or not, but in something like a skyscraper it would be a difference thematically.
Could we please get props in gmcp.Char.Items.List.items to have attrib = "p", the way NPC's have attrib = "m"? It'd make filtering for non-prop items in the room much easier, as it seems every room has anywhere from one to half a dozen props to sift through.
As an example, let's say Celestine holds a cosmpiercer right, and Song decides they want to take the cosmpiercer. So Song disembarks. Now, Celestine's faction aether or guards/whatever should give out a few soft spams along the lines of "WARNING! WARNING! SONG(or AN OPPOSING FACTION) IS LIBERATING A COSMPIERCER AT CS-5234." That alarm goes off only when in this example, Song begins to liberate the cosmpiercer of Celestine's grip.
By doing that, it should clear any remaining guards once it's in the released but neutral phase AND it should last for 5-10 minutes. That way, Celestine can have time to decide if they want to defend it or not and make it out there since travel in space isn't exactly instant or that quick. So, let's say Celestine chooses to go and defend their cosmpiercer and they get out there to battle it out with Song. If Celestine manages to beat back or usurp Song's liberation by regaining control via the same syntax or a new syntax, the influence will gradually go in reverse from Song's influence, back to neutral, and finally back in their grip. Mind you, there are 5-10 minutes still ticking so Song has a chance to recoup and return if there's time within that time frame to try again. So this time, Song and Celestine are in a bit of a struggle over time. Song manages to turn the table again, but there are about 3 minutes left when they usurp Celestine again and pushing the influence back in their direction slowly still.
If by chance time is up, it can be liberated back into Ishvana's clutches, or if the admin wants, they can probably make it so that, whichever it is leaning more towards to, that faction will get the benefit of the liberation. I do think it should merit a CD-something like 1 IG day or 1 IG month? @Tecton (Reposted here too in case)
- Ilyos (August 2019)
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Some kinda emergency quick-call that'll revoke someone's ability to send things over FT for like an hour or two and stay running for like, ten to twenty minutes. I think this is super open to abuse and really really hate the idea, but when besmirchings, oustings, and having your face forcibly removed by MULTIPLE faction members won't get someone to quit, we need something faster than the 24 hours it takes to kick 'em out. Maybe mitigate the abuse by muting the person who made the call too, I 'unno. I know FTOFF and IGNORE are a thing but some of us prefer not to use them because we like the light ribbing or actually useful information that gets sent over FT.
On that note:
Let us change our votes on a call the way we can with a referendum. Occasionally more information comes out that makes me want to change my vote, or the person proves that they actually do deserve to be ousted and some of us have already voted to oppose to give them another chance that we regret giving them.
> Buy holovid recording equipment
> HOLOVID NEW <name>
> HOLOVID RECORD <1-10> 'slots' of text, so you could make a mini movie, or record a speech.
Once published, holovids could be purchased by others, or shared like datashards, and replayed at their leisure. Maybe have the cost determined by how many entries in Record?
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Also, if there is only one piece of cargo adjacent to your ship, it would be neat not to have to specify a direction for CARGO RECOVER.
Dang pawnshops and HETE are always stealing my pants...
Allows you to view or not view ADS
Viewing ads could give you 10 marks per ad
Adjust the ADS you see per hour. 1 to 5
Payouts at the end of the year with a maximum payout of a 250 marks per IG month
AD # TARGET <target audience>
- <target audience> would take values such as race, faction, class, gender
AD # VIEWS <number of views>- Choose the number of viewers. If you place an ad for 100 views, you would have to pay 1000 marks plus a processing fee. So say 1100 marks in all.
AD # MESSAGE <message>- Ilyos (August 2019)