Can we expect any kind of game-wide events during Beta?
Now that the initial rush of craziness is starting to settle down, yes, you'll start seeing some RP events. We'll also be opening up a volunteer call in the near future to get some more hands on deck for running small and large scale admin-driven RP events.
Will this call involve giving up your player character similar to how other IREs run?
Or can I finally fulfill my dream of running RP events without having to give up my precious gaming?
Yes, will be a "give up your character" sort of thing - I can definitely see where you're coming from, but there needs to be that segregation from mortal bias and ties to ensure that there's a fair and level playing field.
Will there be mechanics in place to facilitate dynasty death? I imagine them as Starmourn's version of houses/guilds, but completely player-driven. Nevertheless, I imagine it can get bloated when everyone wants their own dynasty and I think it's a good idea to encourage people to consolidate rather than spread out.
Mereas Eyrlock "They're excited, but poor." - Ilyos (August 2019)
Triggers and automation are allowed in most cases as long as they are not used for gaining marks or experience, or avoiding your timeout, whether you are AFK or not.
Yet we have CONFIG TIMEOUT 0 which prevents timeout all together. What is the actual policy on this?
Will there be mechanics in place to facilitate dynasty death? I imagine them as Starmourn's version of houses/guilds, but completely player-driven. Nevertheless, I imagine it can get bloated when everyone wants their own dynasty and I think it's a good idea to encourage people to consolidate rather than spread out.
There's nothing in place at the moment, but we'll probably want to have some form of lifecycle mechanic for them in the future.
Triggers and automation are allowed in most cases as long as they are not used for gaining marks or experience, or avoiding your timeout, whether you are AFK or not.
Yet we have CONFIG TIMEOUT 0 which prevents timeout all together. What is the actual policy on this?
This is a bit of a legacy policy from the early days of Achaea/IRE when you used to get lessons every (x) minutes of playtime. It still has a place, since we do have promotions that you get (x) after (y) playtime. From a personal standpoint, one thing that really sours me on a game is when you log in and everyone is AFK (think most of the top muds on TMS). I'd much prefer a vibrant and active playerbase than 200 afk people to give a false sense of activity.
A couple of the crafting questions were answered in regards to numbers, so I won't repeat that question. Here are mine!
-Is it really expected for us to pay 10 credits for each additional slot past 50? This is already monetary (or a buttload of grinding equal) investment to get the skill in the first place. I can see this becoming a major issue especially for Fashion crafters.
-How do you imagine this system working since a) it is different from the IRE standard experience, and b) most of your inherited crafters will be expats from the other games?
-Will there be artifacts for increasing Trade Terminal inventory amounts or something similar? If there are going to be eventually shops I would work towards that - but right now 25 is limiting already and its less than 2 months in.
-Why are Dynasties so expensive but have far less functionality of a clan initially? Are they intended for something more than they are right now?
A couple of the crafting questions were answered in regards to numbers, so I won't repeat that question. Here are mine!
-Is it really expected for us to pay 10 credits for each additional slot past 50? This is already monetary (or a buttload of grinding equal) investment to get the skill in the first place. I can see this becoming a major issue especially for Fashion crafters.
-How do you imagine this system working since a) it is different from the IRE standard experience, and b) most of your inherited crafters will be expats from the other games?
-Will there be artifacts for increasing Trade Terminal inventory amounts or something similar? If there are going to be eventually shops I would work towards that - but right now 25 is limiting already and its less than 2 months in.
-Why are Dynasties so expensive but have far less functionality of a clan initially? Are they intended for something more than they are right now?
1-2) We were going to offer paid expansion this way (pay x for y more slots), but I think there's likely a better way of doing the system (perhaps something reward-based)
3) The original idea with shopfronts was that they're cheap and relatively small, so you might have 4 - 5 different shops for different things. Rather than one shop that has clothes, weapons, armor, slushies, and snowglobes.
4) As we add more dynasty powers, I can see the unlocks reshuffled to give more stuff at base to make them more in-line with clans at the base-level.
Is there any diffrence between bloodsinge/bloodburn for fury or are they just both left after the changes?
They both get extra damage from hypertension - bloodsinge also scales with bleeding, bloodburn gets more extra bonus damage. We may repurpose one of these in a future update, as they indeed are a bit too similar.
What according to you is the core draw of this game? 1) Bashing 2) Crafting with new materials 3) PvP 4) RP 5) Economy
How do you envision it?
Hmm, tough one, if I was to put them in an order as to the current appeal as opposed to our other games, I'd say
1) Ships
3) Economy/Crafting
4) RP (I currently put this last because we've not had a chance to really start driving admin-led RP yet. Players have been doing a great job so far, but things have been a little too static on our end while we get all the more mechanical systems ironed out. We'll definitely be diving into/promoting this element further in the future though.)
I should note, this in no way reflects any development priorities or anything like that, just my opinion for what I think offers the most difference from other games. Plus, who am I to say what anyone else finds appealing - to each their own!
How often/how many are supposed to spawn in them?
Will ship boarding ever become a conflict mechanic?
- Ilyos (August 2019)
Yet we have CONFIG TIMEOUT 0 which prevents timeout all together. What is the actual policy on this?
- Ilyos (August 2019)
-- BLOODSINGE (Battleflow) ----------------------------------------------------
-- BLOODBURN (Battleflow) -----------------------------------------------------
1) Bashing
2) Crafting with new materials
3) PvP
4) RP
5) Economy
How do you envision it?