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special story

is there going to be a special story line for each class? 
There's too much blood in my caffeine system


  • There will be a storyline that you follow as you level up your character, that lasts from the newbie intro until the max level. There will be elements of that which are modified by your class in different ways, but the majority of your character's backstory and playstyle will be determined by how you, the player, chose to roleplay it!
  • by what do you mean backstory? is it the race city and class or is it a backstory that i write personally for my character?
    There's too much blood in my caffeine system
  • Will nudity be against the law?
  • Rothare said:
    Will nudity be against the law?
    I second this. Society based or galactic standard nudity?
  • As a walking tree, am I considered dressed or nude or "other"?
  • Not against any of our rules. Whether player civilizations decide to outlaw nudity is up to them.
  • Aurelius said:
    Not against any of our rules. Whether player civilizations decide to outlaw nudity is up to them.
    oy vey ist mir 
    There's too much blood in my caffeine system
    edited October 2017
    Aurelius said:
    Not against any of our rules. Whether player civilizations decide to outlaw nudity is up to them.
    Interesting tangent: if the Ry'nari are close to earth's reptiles in biology then they're cold blooded and have retractable hoo haas, meaning that clothing could be harmful to their health (blocking out sunlight -> get lethargic) and they'd have no reason to develop them other than for decorative purposes, unlike humans who made loincloths to keep it warm (and in turn this means that if they did develop clothing it could be complete nonsense or useless like bracers, rings and a leather monocle with nothing else)

    similar case with the furry races, but less so. For any race that flies there'd have to be a light and thin material available (maybe that flying insectoid race wears spider silk? Who knows), or it would be easy to put on while landing. They'd almost never go for something heavy or anything that sticks out. Actually, what if they literally carved tattoos into their exoskeletons with a chisel or something?
  • I'm pretty sure any asexual creatures will find clothing to be pointless to wear... :D
  • Valaria said:
    I'm pretty sure any asexual creatures will find clothing to be pointless to wear... :D
    I think decheerans are the only player ones right now so yeah... Though maybe they'd have traditional 'clothing' in the form of Lichen or fungi forming a symbiotic relationship with them, particularly to give them their daily dose of nitrogen (which can only be processed by plants in decomposed matter or waste).

    Overthinking alien biology is fun
  • Oh, so the only purpose of clothing is to hide your naughty bits, now? 

    Nah, asexual beings would still have uses for Art (any developed species would), Protection/Shelter (from the elements, or even wearing armor),  or even to designate ranks or the like, as clothing.
  • Pollivar said:
    Oh, so the only purpose of clothing is to hide your naughty bits, now? 

    Nah, asexual beings would still have uses for Art (any developed species would), Protection/Shelter (from the elements, or even wearing armor),  or even to designate ranks or the like, as clothing.

    All decheerans of this grove are required to wear:

    a right glove
    a ring on their left index finger
    a circlet
    a left shoulder pad

    or be punished with indecent exposure
  • So player characters are getting some class based tech that I imagine aren't the norm for an average citizen. You've got the BEAST suit and PIECE blaster for examples. Without those, the classes don't work.

    If we get them from the start, is there going to be any standardized explanation on how we went about getting equipped with these things or is that entirely up to our own story?

  • Totally up to you.
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