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FINDING AREAS for training

I cannot find the lower reaches of Song city. Anyone been there ? I tried all destinations from Danica station but it seems I did not search well...


  • You can use PATH FIND (KEYWORD) to find such places. I don't know what the keyword for that would be. Perhaps path find reaches?
  • Once you're at the Market, you can head NW from the takeoff pad to find a PTP. The Engineering and Recycling options you can access from there are in the lower reaches of Song City.
  • PATH TRACK THE LOWER REACHES OF SONG CITY works, last time I checked.

    When in doubt, use the full area name to PATH TRACK.
    Mereas Eyrlock
    "They're excited, but poor."
    - Ilyos (August 2019)
  • Thanks a lot for the replies. PATH TRACK and PATH FIND are very useful commands.

  • and the PTP. half the locations on the PTP are in the lower reaches. they just don't say it.
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