How long will it take to reach max level, for EVERYONE ELSE?
We have a handful of blessed individuals who arguably exploited their way to 75 or very close to that, and the game hasn't even been out for 2 weeks. Was made clear that Starmourn was meant to be a "marathon and not a sprint," and we were asked to report any funny stuff and not take advantage of it. Now we have people running around with the equivalent of hundreds (thousands?) of playtime hours worth of experience over everyone else... Our bashing, unlike theirs, is also significantly more dangerous because we don't kill things as fast. Also, they generate a HUGE amount of marks compared to normal people around half their level or less. Can you say credit inflation?
I feel like we're being made a bunch of chumps here...
If I can't max level from 35ish right now, in 2 weeks of focused bashing, then I'm done with this game. I realize it's not the most mature thing to care about what others have, but what they have does impact the rest of us, and it's undermining my faith in just how much monkey business will be tolerated and even rewarded in Starmourn. And honestly, every time I watch my xp go up less than 1%, per kill, it's just a shiv in my groin, made worse by all the above.
I have no problem with a marathon, but I do have a problem when other people get to finish it in a mountain bike.
Either way, these are the people who've probably transed out all their skills within like a week of playing, using a class which needs some serious balancing down.
They may be grinding a lot but you can't say that being max level in two weeks or less was the intention. I won't be quitting over it but that is pretty extreme not to take some sort of action there.
Max level this quick likely wasn’t intended, but it happened. They’re not going to bump those people who did it the right way down because they went harder than was expected. Besides that, I imagine they have plans to increase the level cap soonish anyway, 75 is a tiny cap.
Also in regards to the same name thing. There are a few of us who use the same name regardless. Personally, I created the name from scratch. If you google it, the only thing that comes up are things that I’ve done. I like that, so I keep it. My PS4 handle is the same name, as well as every mobile game I play.
I was joking, anyway.
They're not going to be a thing in the future. I'm not saying that they've exploited stuff, but already, we can see that the ways they got to where they are, are starting to close off for other players.
I'm not sure what should be done, but it feels pretty shitty for everyone down below who didn't have the time to invest for whatever reasons (bear in mind it was the holidays for a lot of people) to grind to the top. The same goes for people who sort of fell behind because their class wasn't as good as hunting.
I'm really not being funny in saying anything, and I know maybe some people are sick of hearing this from me but it's pretty obvious why those at the top are BEASTs. It was far easier for them to hunt at such an early stage. I heard a valid hunting strategy was just to stack bleed until things just died from how stacked things were against them.
New players can't do that (as well as it could be done before) and so everyone after that point is worse off.
I can't provide solutions, but I also need to point out that some hurt feelings, and feeling that things are unfair, are pretty justified.