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Change faction/city?

is there a way I can change the player civilization I am a part of, without having to remake my character?

I couldn't find anything on it in the help files...


  • No, I'm pretty certain that you can't switch.
  • You can leave, but we don't have any players high enough to induct you into the new factions yet. I'll try to get something added tomorrow to let you do this (at least for the short term)
  • Tecton said:
    You can leave, but we don't have any players high enough to induct you into the new factions yet. I'll try to get something added tomorrow to let you do this (at least for the short term)
    ...Weren't you supposed to be sleeping after putting out game fires for 18+ hours straight?

    Anyways this is awesome to hear and thank you. But please look after yourself too, this wasn't *that* important.
  • You can now go to the faction's capital, locate an Inductotron 9001 (use LANDMARKS) and JOIN <faction>. This info is also in HELP FACTIONS now!
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