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Announcements post #481: A Look Ahead At 2024.

From: Argus, the Tiniest Feracht
Subject: A Look Ahead At 2024.

Now that good ol' twenty-twenty-three has come to a close, we want to show y'all what's on the docket for the new year, 2024. Keep in mind that this is a brief and vague outline of project goals, so it's neither a guarantee that these things will be completed nor a complete list of ALL things we're contemplating.

Check out the full blog post here:

Also... Happy New Year, everybody! To celebrate the kick-off to what will surely be another STELLAR year in the Starmourn Sector, everyone who signs in this month will get a free 5th Year Commemorative Badge and a giftcatcher! (Check your inventory <3)

With so much love and heart emojis and all that sweet, sweet jazz -

The Starmourn Admin Team: Neritus, Argus, Marra, Elan, Senzei, Kauka, Figment, and Ferenzi
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