Announcements post #74: New Storyteller for Song!
<pre>From: Starmaker Eukelade
Subject: New Storyteller for Song!
Please give our newest Storyteller, Ferenzi, a very warm welcome.
Ferenzi is here to help players in the Song Dominion advance their agendas, flesh out the faction, and make the world feel more alive. They'll also be doing their part to keep things behind the scenes running smoothly by lending a hand where needed (someone needs to help Soren dig people out of space-bending Escher campgrounds, right?)
They've already hit the ground running with a bunch of bug fixes and a secret project! We are eager to see what else they're capable of! </pre>
Subject: New Storyteller for Song!
Please give our newest Storyteller, Ferenzi, a very warm welcome.
Ferenzi is here to help players in the Song Dominion advance their agendas, flesh out the faction, and make the world feel more alive. They'll also be doing their part to keep things behind the scenes running smoothly by lending a hand where needed (someone needs to help Soren dig people out of space-bending Escher campgrounds, right?)
They've already hit the ground running with a bunch of bug fixes and a secret project! We are eager to see what else they're capable of! </pre>
To everyone: Please keep filing those bug reports! I love tuning things, finding inconsistencies (and fixing them)!
To Song: Please, if you are interested in furthering your roleplay, send me a message (on here or in-game) with any or all of your character's: history so far, goals, fears, relationships, and YOUR ideas on how together, we can make Song (and the game?) better for everyone!
- Ilyos (August 2019)