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Hello from your friendly neighborhood coder
For those who don't know me yet, I go by Zersiax, and I am Starmourn's coder as of this year's August.
Over the last month or so, I've been running around Starmourn, figuring out where we're at and where we're going. I've been making changes, fixes and alterations to various things already, and I intend to make Starmourn the absolute best it can be going forward.
Classleads are currently on their way, we're working hard on making captaincy experience gaining more fun and fair, there's supercool new content coming, pretty much every system in the game has improvements planned. There couldn't be a better time to jump back in if you've been away for a while.
Blatant foreshadowing and tooting horns aside, I want people here on the form to know that I'm around as of today, I'm intending to take feedback we receive on the forums seriously and , together with the discord, bug system and ideas system, it will be taken into account when deciding on what to work on next. Let's make Starmourn the best thing since kithblade-sliced bread.
Re: Feedback on current systems
Feedback on current systems
Events 15
I hope you all had fun! I know I did. And now some people are trying to figure out how to 'rescue' Fl..i//[ERROR: FILE NOT FOUND]p --//#*%%%- ia, and you are all so sweet
Have fun with it!
Re: Scoundrel Combat fixes
Re: Scoundrel Combat fixes
- Buff encroachment. Encroachment has to pull enemies out of cover right away. It's getting cured too quickly against most opponents who set their WW priorities to afflictions first, meaning we keep landing it, they may not be pushed out of cover for a while. If scoundrel can't control cover with encroachment, a ton of our abilities just don't work. Some of the reasons they don't work are clearly intended, and others... who knows?
- Replace staggering in weakening ammo. For whatever reason, staggering is no longer proccing staggering. Perhaps this was a "bug" that was fixed, but scoundrel needs something to replace staggering now that we have no way to interact with staggering. One scoundrel, possibly the most skilled we've seen, called losing this "the biggest scoundrel nerf in history." It really hurts, even if it wasn't utilized often. So! Enter what I've been affectionately calling "baby haemotoxin," a poison that reduces health regeneration and healing by 20%. Note that real haemotoxin is a xenoslayer mob ability and it's pretty handy. Without having that balance advantage that staggering provided, we need something else to help us keep up. Forcing an enemy to heal less efficiently or more often, however you look at it, will do the trick nicely.
- Buff rapidfire. Rapidfire is essential for scoundrel to keep up in pvp, but it really needs to not be able to deal the same affliction twice in one attack. It's OK if the target already has one or both of the afflictions, but it really needs to land separate afflictions every time. With staggering no longer doing its job, there's no possible upshot for rapidfire not checking for what it's shooting. PVE is unaffected by this change, but we gain some consistency and lose a little less ground based on a roll of the dice in pvp.
- QOL change plus buff to shoulderroll. Shoulderroll targets as described above (SHOULDERROLL PLAYER will pick the correct cover) but also afflicts winded upon delivery, like a suckerpunch. Kerpow! Winded is too hard to land, making suckerpunch useless currently. Also, winded is just a handy thing for us.
- Buff ambush. Ambush is fine in pve, though its conditions for use feel inconsistent. More importantly, ambush in pvp is a very, very suboptimal way to actually ambush someone. 2.5s of balance, deals more damage than crackshot, deals same subsystem damage as crackshot per balance time, but has to be the first attack. Compare that with GUN VIGILANT, which attacks without balance for something like crackshot. Other parts of scoundrel's kit -- namely TRIPWIRE and HIDE -- strongly, strongly incentivize setting up and bunkering. There's no reason not to use vigilant instead of ambush for an ambush. Solution: make ambush take 1s of balance to reflect its fast-shooting flavor, plus change the conditions for shooting it so that each mob has its own timer instead of a timer for the scoundrel (or something similar so that you can ambush a new target right away), plus make it so that vigilant does not preclude ambushing by putting into combat with that target. This makes scoundrel pve a little better and definitely more consistent while allowing ambush to have a chance to play in pvp -- and even gives us a little bit more of a chance on chase. We're terrible at chasing enemies.
- Pusher
- Sleeper
- Detonate, because we have some issues with hiding bombs and because detonate is random
- Impairing ammo, because encroachment isn't doing its job efficiently enough and because mind afflictions are not strong enough and because we have to resort to damage kill, which isn't really supported all that well in scoundrel's kit
- Disrupting ammo -- sensory's bad
- Arcing, because EM's payoff (discharge or a failed mend) isn't good enough to justify that we lose enough damage that people can set WW priorities to ignore our now miniscule health damage
- Infusing, because we don't have time for that
- Amplifying, because same. They're not bad, we just don't have time.
- Quickload -- meh
- Backflip, which would be awesome if we could actually use it to get away. The problem is that we backflip and then stand there waiting for balance long enough that our enemies always walk up and keep hitting us, meaning we've wasted a reload. The only thing good about backflip is that it gets us out of quicksand, which is probably unintended.
- Gauge. This ability should be awesome, but it's got a 3.5s balance cost. Reducing its balance cost to less than crackshot would get it close to where it needs to be because, right now, the main use of it is to GAUGE, LEAVE COVER and RAPIDFIRE, HAYMAKER to stack afflictions -- assuming you don't roll poorly and get redundant afflictions. It's rare that this is desirable, period, because we want to go for an internal kill, not a health kill, typically.
- Cavein. Doesn't do enough damage for an ability that doesn't do anything but damage. It doesn't even set up airstrike.
- Bulletguard. It just isn't that practical.
- Kneecap, because it could be a PIECE whip. I kid, though a lot of new players would rather see the flavor of a pistol whip. It's OK that kneecap is weak because pointblank is pretty strong, and forcing a scoundrel to use a reload to interrupt should be rewarded. Buffing kneecap would be fine, or changing it to a pistol whip.
- Suckerpunch because it's a reload and it's too hard to get winded on the target
- gritblast because it's a reload and is so much worse than fling -- as an aoe, it underperforms compared to trigger, which has a short cooldown. Trigger isn't a reload. This one's just bad, though I like the flavor (but why is it a reload? our jetpack abilities ought to be a lot cooler, and why isn't backflip a jetpack ability?)
- Pummel. It's awful. You can WW REGEN while being pummeled and be completely fine, even gaining subsystem health while being pummeled.
- Incite appears to fail pretty often now, which is lame (someone please speak into this one, I haven't tested it in depth in a while). It's really strong, but there are ways to make it weaker without making it random, such as reducing enemy damage on hit.
- Incite -- cool, but disappointing because it fails and because we don't get the benefit. Why not have something even cooler like, you know, a stim grenade that does ??? for everyone around?
- Strangle UGH. Why do we have two abilities that are both bad and so similar? I'm talking about pummel and strangle. One of these could scale with mind damage, and one of them could scale with sensory or total subsystem damage.
- Illegalmods. Its effect just isn't that useful. Nobody else has to worry about limited flight, but we spend an ability on making our limited flight last longer? It's got a tremendously long duration and I'm not sure the jetpack abilities even use the jetpack power. Not that I'm going to test it; the jetpack abilities other than jetwash are not good.
- Dash is redundant with a generic ability in exploration.
- Airstrike, as our max guile ability, has: a 5 min cooldown; is channeled and we can't do anything else during it; doesn't work indoors; and just does damage. If cavein would set it up indoors, that'd be nice. We just don't get to use it often because of indoor restriction. As an odd idea, we could have it do something fancy like generate new debris cover. I'm not positive what this ability needs, but it's not getting used because it's easy to interrupt and doesn't work indoors.
- Bugs really could stand to be rolled into one ability. They're limited in usefulness and it stinks to have to use three of our abilities in guile to make them decent.
- bandoliers. Bandoliers in general. Why do we have to create bombs? Why do we have to track the number? Can't we just be like other classes that simply use their abilities? Using a bandolier means we lose our bombs on class swap (alleviated a lot by construct now doing 50 each, which was a great bandaid, by the way, so thank you). Having a bandolier means we lose both the back item slot and the... whatever bandolier goes into just because we're scoundrels (clothing slots). That said, this isn't as important, frankly.
- Sweep
- Hide. It's slow. Making it faster would be great.
- Tripwire. It's slow. Making it faster, somehow, would be great.
- Disarm. I don't think I've ever disarmed a bomb.
- Stickybomb. It has its uses, but can we talk about not having it be a reload ability or something? The only reason we'd use this over fling, 99.99% of the time, is that encroachment isn't getting someone out of cover and so our fling might not work.
- Wiring. With sleeper and pusher not doing much, wiring doesn't ever keep up with shrapnel. Why not have some bombs, I dunno, be better with wiring?
- Timer. I mess around with this occasionally, but it's just a gimmick. Giving up shrapnel is almost always a loss. Almost always, in both pve and pvp.
- Blinder, because it's random which of blind or deaf you afflict and because neither of these afflictions is all that good. Afflicting both, every time, may bring blinder in the realm of "I might use that to set up a haymaker," occasionally. Sensory in general is one of the weakest parts of this game.
- Pusher. I'm saying it again here because it's unreliable. The Bushraki artifact works against its forced movement. I think people can follow around with it. There's just a lot wrong with this thing, but the main problem is that it's inconsistent.
- Zapper. Ripper's recent buff means zapper's just a little bit behind in damage against bots. For an EM flavored ripper, that means it's just worse than ripper. Buffing its damage or providing some kind of other benefit against bots that results in a tangible improvement would fix this one. EM in general isn't where it should be, though. The payoff isn't good enough against players.
- Shrieker, because... honestly, I don't remember exactly what this one does. If our mind route had a clearer end goal, such as making pummel or strangle scale with mind damage, then we're in business, probably.
- Choker -- low damage over time, doesn't have any other benefits. Just not good enough, and that its solely damage dealing, and slowly, means it has no place in pvp.
- Distorter. It's a shame that our max level ability just doesn't cut it. I think this is more of a function of mind afflictions, generally, underperforming. Would I rather use this or shrieker in a world with better mind afflictions? I don't know, but they're competing with one another unless their durations are pretty generous.
Re: Scoundrel Combat fixes
Pusher -> QOL improvement for Pusher would be that it doesn't trigger the FOLLOW mechanic and truly throws everyone in the room in random directions. Currently in a piercer/cache if you throw a pusher at a group ONE person will be pushed and all the others will just follow them to their new room.
- Pusher
Also pusher should throw from room on frozen ground. It's a bomb and frozen ground isn't glue. Currently it just triggers movement and people either leave or fall over.
Re: Scoundrel Combat fixes
- Replace staggering in weakening ammo. For whatever reason, staggering is no longer proccing staggering. Perhaps this was a "bug" that was fixed, but scoundrel needs something to replace staggering now that we have no way to interact with staggering. One scoundrel, possibly the most skilled we've seen, called losing this "the biggest scoundrel nerf in history." It really hurts, even if it wasn't utilized often. So! Enter what I've been affectionately calling "baby haemotoxin," a poison that reduces health regeneration and healing by 20%. Note that real haemotoxin is a xenoslayer mob ability and it's pretty handy. Without having that balance advantage that staggering provided, we need something else to help us keep up. Forcing an enemy to heal less efficiently or more often, however you look at it, will do the trick nicely.
Name: Haemotoxin Description: Health regeneration and healing is reduced by 50%. Type: Curable affliction Subsystem: Internal Subsys Damage: 100 Stacking: No Duration: 10.00sOPTION 1: That's current form. This is my proposition to replace staggering.
Name: Haemotoxin Description: Health regeneration and healing is reduced by 20%. Type: Curable affliction Subsystem: Internal Subsys Damage: 200 Stacking: No Duration: 10.00sNormal system damage and reduces the healing from 50% to 20%. At least this way someone with the class_heal_5 artifact still looses 4%. And it isn't OP for a normal person. Allows Scoundrel to pressure HP slightly.
OPTION 2: Return the balance knock back effect to staggering through Gunslinging attacks hitting arms.
Re: Scoundrel Combat fixes
Scoundrel Combat fixes
Improvised Cover -> Actually puts you in the cover created. Here's the reasoning behind this. Implemented in a cache or cosmpiercer where you have to make your own cover (common PvP scenario). Improvised cover is a 3 second balance, then a 2 second balance to take cover. Your opponent depending on class can remove/take cover faster than a Scoundrel who just made it. 5 seconds is an eternity to get back into cover to be able to use TRIGGER or MULTIBOMB which is a big part of our kit. Just something to consider, thanks!
Tripwire -> Sets up the bomb on ALL exits in the room
Tripwire -> hits those not in crew (maybe enemy list?)
Currently this skill takes a 5 second balance to place a bomb on a single exit in a room. This means that it is removed from viability once battle has begun. If the room has even 2 exits this makes chasing down a fleeing opponent very hard for the Scoundrel because you cannot spare 10 seconds to try and catch them OR try and set anything up. Not to mention that HIDE currently costs 6 seconds. Stickybomb is the best option at 3 seconds but has to be done on a reload. Just something to consider.
Affliction Encroachment -> pulls the target from cover upon affliction (POINTBLANK the only way to apply it, when you use PB on someone in cover you leave your own cover, hit them, wait for the affliction to pull them from cover (up to 5 sec), take cover again. (Alternative - have PB work while leaving the scoundrel in cover?) **needs tweaking -- FLAVOR RECOMMENDATION ( P.I.E.C.E. Whip as a skill name and flavor description to replace pointblank. Apparently the community wants this bad *heh*)
Strangle -> First tick isn’t half damage.
1st tick 1% internal, 2nd, 2% internal, 3rd, 4% internal 4th, 8% internal, etc
And cannot crash while being strangled
(NOTE: I believe this to be a bug but the first tick of GUILE STRANGLE is half the damage it should be) Suggestion as follows, first tick isn't half damage. As an alternative have each tick of Strangle do escalating internal system damage (in addition to it's damage) and prevent the target from crashing. 1,1% - 2,2% 3,4% 4,8% etc. Strangle is a trans skill in Guile and I believe was intended to be a FORCEFEED (damage based) alternative. If a target has 75% internal damage you can TRIP, BIND and they will be bound for 8 seconds (this is the forcefeed req btw so we’d be using FF at this point anyway). You can STRANGLE after you get balance back from BIND (3 sec assuming no aff or musc damage) leaving 5 seconds which means that in perfect scenario STRANGLE should only hit a person for 2 ticks before they can interrupt. 3 ticks if they are slow about it. 4 ticks should theoretically be impossible or they can't escape anyway and they should just die. Wetwiring will be curing aff and systems on it's own and many people are currently choosing to WW REGEN upon BIND since it can be done while prone and bound. This way if the person chooses to continue to regenerate instead of interrupting the strangle (scoundrel will lose the internal damage while they regenerate also).
Kneecap -> Scale to internal damage and not muscular
Scale to internal damage and not muscular. Here's the reasoning. Scoundrel currently has 0 way to do muscular damage other than pounding a connecting wetwiring system and a little bleed over into muscular. Our kit is setup to damage MIND, SENSORY, and mainly INTERNAL. This just makes sense and is a REALLY easy fix.
Shoulderroll -> Allow Shoulderroll to be targeted either to Player OR Prop. Most classes just instantly pull you from cover immediately but others like to stay in cover and it forces a scoundrel to fight OUT of cover just to get them out of cover. This would help the scoundrel to match cover with a target to be able to use Fling/Stickybomb/Facesmash again.
Bind -> Currently people can wetwiring regenerate -AFTER- being bound and afflicted with entanglement, which means if we miss on forcefeed or don’t use an interrupt on balance they get in a free regeneration. This means we can’t use skills like Strange/Pummel as the enemy will out regen the damage. The fix would be to make the entanglement affliction prevent wetwiring regeneration.